Wei-Ning Xiang

East China Normal University, China
University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Wei-ning3-300x300Wei-Ning Xiang is a National Distinguished Professor of Landscape and Urban Planning at the East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China, and professor of geography and earth sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. At ECNU, he serves as the Founding Dean of the College of Ecological and Environmental Sciences (CEES), and the founding director of the Global Institute for Urban and Regional Sustainability (GIURS), and directs the Shanghai Key Lab for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-Restoration (SHUES).

Dr. Xiang’s scholarly activities have been found in the areas of landscape and land use planning, geographic information science, spatial modeling, and recently sustainable development in China. His scholarly contributions appeared in International Journal of Geographic Information Science, Environment and Planning B, Journal of Environmental Management, and Landscape and Urban Planning, among others.

Plenary Address:

Resilience Thinking in Socio-Ecological Landscapes: An Adaptive Cycle Framework for Insight and Action
Xiang Plenary Abstract