Call for Satellite Sessions

The Call for Satellite Sessions is Closed.

Many thanks to all authors who submitted proposals for CCS’15 Satellite Sessions!

Organizers will be notified of acceptance no later than May 20.  If your proposal is accepted, instructions on how to proceed in organizing your satellite will be mailed to you and posted on this website.

Satellite sessions will be held on Wednesday, September 30 and Thursday, October 1, 2015. A satellite session may be either a half-day session or a full-day session. Each satellite is organized and managed by its own committee, who are also responsible for reviewing proposed papers and working with presenters in the session. The number of rooms available for satellite sessions is limited. Therefore, satellite session organizers are encouraged to carefully examine the submission and review process below.

Submission of Satellite Proposals

Electronic submissions of a satellite proposal will be through EasyChair (click here to submit) <> . If you do not already have an EasyChair Account, please sign up first here <> (for identification purposes, make sure to use the same email address as the one used for the conference registration).

When you are logged into CCS’15 page of Easychair click on “New Submission”. For the Satellite Session provide the details of the organizers in the boxes for the authors. Scroll down to “Title and Abstract” and provide the title of the session and your proposal in the “abstract” box. Provide a few keywords for the session and indicate which track of the conference the satellite session best fits in. Satellite themes should be consistent with the general theme of the conference, but the satellites are intended to bring novel and innovative topics to the attention of the participants. Therefore, you may select “Satellite Sessions only–New Topic Area”, if you do not feel your satellite fits any specific track. Finally in the item “Other Information and Uploads” indicate when this is a half a day or a full day satellite session.

Your proposal abstract should articulate the objectives of the satellite session, a brief but thorough description of the scope of the session, anticipated number of presentations, and the expected gain by those attending the session. If possible, invited speakers should be identified in the proposal. Again, be sure to indicate if you intend to host a half-day or full-day satellite session.

Review of Satellite Proposals

Proposals for satellite sessions will be reviewed by the experts of the Program Committee and accepted according to their order of submission, based on their coherence, their relevance to the general themes of the conference, originality and scientific soundness. Once the selection process is complete, satellite session organizers will be notified by e-mail. All satellite session organizers and session participants are expected to register for CCS’15.

Organization and Management of Satellite Sessions

Upon acceptance of the satellite session proposal, organizers will be expected to issue their own call for papers, and establish their own review process for submissions. Abstracts submitted for inclusion in a satellite session will be reviewed and selected by the satellite program committee members, based on their adherence with the theme of the satellite, originality and scientific soundness. They will not be reviewed by the scientific committee for the conference as a whole. It is up to the Satellite Session organizers to establish criteria for accepting papers for inclusion in their session, to communicate with their presenters directly on all aspects of the review process and session organization. Satellite session organizers should determine their own system for accepting abstracts via email or by setting up their own EasyChair site or website and announce this process through their own call for papers.

Once presenters for your Satellite Session have been selected and notified, please have them submit their final abstracts through the CCS’15 EasyChair portal by 15 August, 2015 ( This must be done to ensure that their titles and abstracts will be included in the conference program. They should include the title of the Satellite Session in the first line of their abstract, so we can associate their abstract with your Satellite Session.  Please make sure that your presenters understand that we cannot accept final abstracts for the program from them directly through email or through your email. We also cannot be expected to find the Satellite Session the paper belongs to if they have not identified it in the first line of their abstract.

Important Dates

22 April, 2015: Deadline for submission of satellite proposals.

22 May, 2015: Notification to satellite session organizers.

15 August, 2015: Final abstracts for both the satellite session and individual authors due in electronic form (pdf). Revise your proposal or abstract in EasyChair and attach a camera-ready pdf file to your EasyChair submission. Do not send them separately to the conference program committee or the satellite program committee. No revisions of proposals or abstracts will be accepted after this date or included in the conference abstract data base.


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