Call for Papers and Posters

Abstract submissions are now closed.

Many thanks to all authors who submitted abstracts for CCS’15 paper, poster and ignite sessions!

All fields of complexity science are encouraged, including disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary work. Integrative research is particularly encouraged.

CCS’15 is a 5-day conference. A coherent two-day program (days 1 and 2) focuses on established and emerging Complex Systems domains represented by the ‘tracks’, animated by plenary speakers, followed by symposia that offer participants in those domains the occasion to address their colleagues. To participate in these events, submit your abstract for a paper, ignite, or a poster (see instructions below).

Days 3 and 4 are intended to explore the completely new, by means of workshops and sessions, where the proposers determine the topic, participants and structure of proposed satellite sessions. To propose a satellite session, click here.

On day 5, a general session will bring these strands together. We will also devote time to honor important individuals, place young scientists in the spotlight, and award prizes for achievements. This day also will continue with papers, ignites and posters.

Submission of Abstracts

Electronic submissions of abstracts (300 words maximum) will be through EasyChair (click here to submit) <> . If you do not already have an EasyChair Account, please sign up first here <> (for identification purposes, make sure to use the same email address as the one used for the conference registration).

When you start your submission in EasyChair, you first select “new submission”. You can later edit your submission by selecting, “my submissions” and then highlighting your abstract and choosing “update information”.

Four types of presentation are available, and you should select your preference:
  • Paper Accepted paper presenters will be allowed 15 minutes for presentation and an additional 5 minutes for question and answer session with the audience.
  • Ignite:  Accepted ignite presenters will be allowed 5 minutes for presentation with no questions and answers with the audience. This allows approximately 3-5 slides.
  • Poster Poster sessions will be organized each day of the conference, but not on days for the satellite sessions. Presenters are expected to be available at their poster during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks.
  • Satellite Session:  (see special instructions).

Your abstract should articulate the objectives of the presenter, a brief but thorough description of the research, and the expected gain by those attending the talk. When you submit your abstract, please identify your first and second choice of tracks that best represent your work.

As a presenter of a paper, ignite or poster, you will select the track that best describes your presentation:

  • Foundations of Complex Systems (complex networks, self-organization, nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics, mathematical modeling, simulation) Read More
  • Information and Communication Technologies (Internet, WWW, search, semantic web) Read More
  • Language, Linguistics, Cognition and Social Systems (evolution of language, social consensus, artificial intelligence, cognitive processes) Read More
  • Economics and Finance (social networks, game theory, stock market, crises) Read More
  • Infrastructure, Planning and Environment (critical infrastructures, urban planning, mobility, transport, energy) Read More
  • Biological Complexity (biological networks, systems biology, evolution, natural science, medicine and physiology) Read More
  • Social Ecological Systems (global environmental change, green growth, sustainability, resilience) Read More

Review of Abstracts

Abstracts will be reviewed by the experts of the Program Committee and accepted according to their order of submission and relevance to overall conference objectives. Upon acceptance of the abstract, paper presenters will be assigned to a session and provided additional information on the preparation of slides and organization of each session.

Poster authors will be provided additional information on preparation of the poster for presentation.

Important Dates

22 April, 2015: Deadline for submission of satellite session proposals.

7 May, 2015: Deadline for submission of abstracts for papers, ignites, and posters.

22 May, 2015: Notification to satellite session organizers.

8 June, 2015: Notification to authors of papers, ignites, and posters.

15 August, 2015: Final abstracts due in electronic form. Revise your abstract in EasyChair and attach a camera-ready pdf file to your EasyChair submission. Do not send them separately to the conference program committee. No revisions of abstracts will be accepted after this date or included in the conference abstract data base.

Contact us:  info@ccs2015.orgtwitter icon copy

Follow us on Twitter:       #CCS_15